El enigma es el vidrio
This photographs were made without a camera, the
roll was fogged and rubbed over the landscape.
It´s based on the contact, the index; the trace.
On his Natural History, Pliny the Old tells one version of the birth of the image: The daughter of Butades fell in love with a corinthian young man. As he was about to part, in order to preserve the memories she drew the outline of his shadow on the wall. The next day, Butades filled the outline with a layer of clay.
The outline of the shadow marks at one time the origin of drawing, painting, sculpture and according to some experts the origin of photography, because it is based on contact, the index; the trace.
The current work is the result of a journey to Greece. According to Cartier Bresson “chance” is an essential part in photography, this excercise reafirms his observation. Just in the _decisive moment_ the shutter broked, as the daugther of Butades I wanted to preserve the memory, then:
I took the film out of the camera
The roll was fogged and ruined for the traditional turistic photo
I droped the camera
I rubbed the film on site
The result is the record of this experience
Not the perfect photo, but Ariadne´s thread as the link to the memories.
Not mimesis, but the trace of the photographic act.
The abstract condition of these final images, brings to mind Monet´s Water Lillies, far from greek landscapes but as a vortex of random memories reafirms images status as a cultural object, composed of infinite layers.